Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Elements

The Promotion is Beautiful guild on artfire is having its first event; a contest!  Some of our guild members created pieces that embody one of the elements (water, air, earth, fire).  We want you to vote on your favorite.  So....what do you think?


Loon Moon Giclée by Barb Kowalik

Seaside Shell Bracelet by MeganJaneJewellery


Earth Tone Carved Jade & Tibetan Silver Necklace by 123gemstones

Blustery Day Polymer Clay Necklace by ajoeynamedroo

The Elements
Loon Moon Gicle
Seaside Shell Bracelet
Earth Tone Carved Jade and Tibetan Silver Necklace
Blustery Day Polymer Clay Necklace

pollcode.com free polls

*poll ends Mon Aug 16th*


Megan said...

When's the contest closing Sarah? Just wondered cus I'm still tweeting the link lol! x

Unknown said...

We can leave it up for a while. I've been internetless for the past few days, so sorry for the slow response!

Megan said...

Okay lovely, no problem! x